Mental Milestone: Why I have challenged myself to read 40 books in one year…


This year I have decided to read 40 books in one year, yep you saw that, 40 books! While it might sound a lot, it is pretty manageable.. I have discovered since university that my reading has somewhat dropped. As many of you might agree reading is usually not fun while you are at university, but I what learn and enjoy makes up for it! Unlike other goals where we just say this is what we are going to do, I have broken my goal down into sections in which I am going to achieve. As I plan to expand my blog and get more adventurous not only in my work life but personal life, reading will help me enhance this!

These are the four genres that I have decided on…

  • Non-fiction (self-improvement)
  • Non-fiction (travel)
  • Fiction (historical drama)
  • Fiction (supernatural)

I picked these genres as I want to read about genres that interest me! I was considering business books but I thought they could come under self-help to a degree. Pre-warning I may be stretching certain areas on some books but the direction is what I wanted. What I will also try and do is mini reviews on some books I think might benefit everyone.


What is your mental milestone that you have chosen for 2014? Pop on over to my twitter and let me know, maybe we might just inspire each other…?

Much love,
