How to ace your work probation



After applying for numerous jobs and going for a ton of interviews, you finally manage to land a job!

So what next?

We all become obsessed with trying to get a job that once we have one we become a little overenthusiastic about everything and everyone that we just become downright annoying!

What we must not forget is that most companies have a 3 month work probation period, a lot of people hate this clause but I actually don’t mind it. There has only been one case for me where I didn’t like the job I was working in and it made it so much easier to hand in my notice (1 week as well).  But I digress, I feel like this a double sword… however it is an important topic to discuss. There is nothing wrong with being eager, just don’t overkill it with too many questions

A good method is to establish how you ask for help in the workplace. When you start a new job you always feel like a fish out of water, not knowing the procedures, not knowing where the equipment is stored and definitely not knowing what the social cues are. The best thing to do is find a buddy that can give you that knowledge, the go to person for general questions. Sometimes the company will assign you one but it depends really, making a good connection with your buddy is essentials as they are you in to getting to know everyone.

Smile when you meet someone, along with a firm handshake and great eye contact can give you an instant good impression. I am a sucker for smiles, smiles can make anyone more comfortable! These little prompt set you off on the right foot, establishing a good impression is important. I don’t mean this as you are trying to start a personal relationship with some but more your colleague will apply positive adjectives when someone mentions you. For example the adjectives I receive are upbeat, friendly and approachable, now who wouldn’t want those adjectives applied to them?!

So you have done the initial two to three weeks of meeting everyone in the company, but you still have another 2 and a half months to go. The secret is that it is important to listen to people, whether it is ease dropping on conversations or when someone is talking directly to you. By doing this you are obtaining the tools as to what annoys your colleagues (i.e not fessing up when you have made a mistake) and what satisfy them (i.e. using the font they like in your reports).

Another important thing is punctuality, arrive at work on time, let people know when you are going to lunch. These may sound simple but they are effective, you look on the ball and accessible which means you are reliable and reliable people are the ones that last the longest in a company.

Always ask for feedback, whether it is from a project or day to day tasks that you do. Not only does it help you with finding the best method to complete tasks but you are also showing you enthusiasm to learn and be better.

If you keep working the three points about you are going to get through that 3 month work probation, adapt, improve and excel. These word should be in your vocabulary, they can also be applied to everyday life as we all know it forever changing.

To acing your work probation,


Image credit: JLO’s Clothing Line