About Me


Hi! My name is Zoe and I am a:

Purple Addict
Eternal Optimist
Wayward Professional

The Wayward Professional comes from the idea that everyone should be able to express themselves in everyday life. However, it is quite common that when people head into work their personality can take a back seat, why is that? Well, being a Wayward Professional myself, I want people to change the social norms and bring vibrant enthusiasm, not only in work life, but in every single moment that we can experience adventure and happiness!

In a nutshell, this a lifestyle blog aimed at improving professionals work life balance, along with fun injections of my own experiences and quirky inspiration…

So come read my stories and jump on board the Wayward ideal. Challenge your environment, challenge your communities; but most of all, challenge yourself to be the only version of you.





Through her blog, Zoe takes what she has learned in the business world to help inspire and motivate young professionals at work and at home. Deeming herself as a Wayward Professional, her tips and tricks on being yourself in the workforce has given more people the confidence they need to be creative and unique. Her current series the Wayward Guide to an International Stadium has been received fantastically by followers and she hopes to continue her work in the business field.  Zoe regularly contributes to Twenty Something Living, an online magazine which prides itself in being a place that 20 somethings can read and relate to.

Zoe has a Bachelors degree in business management from Auckland University of Technology (AUT) and has worked in the business world for over 10 years. Her specialties cover strategy and planning, training and development and organisational behaviour. She has worked for companies big and small including hotels right through to insurance. She has also built a repertoire among her peers as being approachable, knowledge and an encouraging leader.

2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Pingback: Mobile Etiquette | The Wayward Professional

  2. Pingback: What to do when goals start to happen | The Wayward Professional

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